Livelite Giving Advice on Mindfulness

Mindfulness is currently a hot topic. In LA, Vancouver, and all over the world, there are groups that practice mindfulness and they are starting to become very popular with much of the younger generation. Livelite Athletica is not just selling you top tier workout clothes but we want you to be the healthiest and happiest version of yourself possible, including your mental health! So let's dive right in to the benefits of mindfulness and why it's becoming so viral.
Mindfulness really can help you in day to day life. The little things are what makes you happy, and the little things in life matter, like living in the present moment, being aware of what is going on around you and how it affects you, and how it can help improve your life.
Livelite is a company that sells high-quality fitness apparel, but we want to show how we are not just another athleisure company. We also want to show people that it's important to be mindful and you can wear our athleisure fitness garments and still drive around being mindful and existing in the moment.
We are a community dedicated to helping people live healthy and fit lifestyles, presenting today by teaching the importance of mindfulness and positive lifestyle habits. If we can encourage our followers to value health, through either our clothing or advice on mental wellness, we have done part of our job. We're just making it easier for them to do the other part by providing premium clothing from Livelite that they can wear while they do it.
So, I hope that this has given you an insight into the person behind Livelite, and how I plan to expand our business as a lifestyle/athleisure brand and not just sell high quality sportswear. I would really appreciate it if you could share this with anyone who you think would find it interesting, or might have friends or family who'd like to hear about us.
Sending love and comfortable days ahead,
- Elaine Li & the Livelite Family.